Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Madonna Announces New Album

You didn't think Madonna was done expressing herself, did you? At the Venice Film Festival this weekend, the Material Girl announced that her new album, which she started recording in July, will be completed by the end of the year. The follow-up to 2008's Hard Candy will be released in spring 2012, with the first single do out February or March. So what can we expect from Madonna's 12th studio album?
"More good music," the 53-year-old pop legend told the press with a smile.
Hopefully Madonna's new album will get a better response than her new movie. W.E., her second film as a director, premiered at the Venice Film Festial on Thursday to some ridiculously bad reviews. The Guardian called it "an extraordinarily silly, preening, fatally mishandled film." Indie Wire declared bluntly that "the film can't be redeemed," and that Madonna should go back on tour as soon as possible to prevent her from making any more movies. The film, about the WWII-era Duchess of Windsor Wallis Simpson, is also facing accusations of anti-Semitism, since it essentially ignores Simpson's friendship with Adolph Hitler. (That choice is particularly startling considering that Madonna is a leader of the modern Jewish Kabbalah movement.)
Fortunately, Madonna is an expert at handling criticism. When asked at a Swedish press conference if the reviews have discouraged her (see video below), she replied confidently: "No, it's never discouraged me from continuing, period. I've had a lot of harsh criticism my entire career, right?"
Hear that, haters? She's hanging up on you!

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