Friday, April 29, 2011

Ellie Goulding To Perform At Royal Wedding Reception!

UK pop star Ellie Goulding will have the honor of performing at the Royal reception. Lucky girl what a sweet gig! Turns out Prince William and Kate Middleton are big fans of singer Ellie Goulding, so much in fact that they have asked her to sing at their reception. She is a perfect fit for the couples theme of wanting to find a young top hip British talent to perform at what will no doubt will be the party of the year. I guess this means the rumors that Jay-Z and Beyonce would be doing a little ditty for the bride and groom can be squashed huh. If you are a little surprised by their choice you aren?t the only one. Ellie herself was reportedly shocked to learn she had been asked to perform for the newlyweds. The blonde beauty will serenade the newly married Royal couple with her rendition of the Elton John song?s Your Song, which just so happens to be her biggest song so far in her career. However her debut album did go straight to number one earlier this year which is pretty freaking good. I have never heard of Ellie not that that means anything [...]

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