Thursday, November 22, 2012

Bruce & Kris Jenner Divorce Rumors Heat Up

The rumors that Kris and Bruce Jenner are getting a divorce are heating up again and this time they are running ramped all over the Internet. Is there any truth to these tabloid accusations, well you know what they say where there is smoke there is fire. The National Enquirer is the lastest tabloid to run the story that there is trouble in paradise between Kris and Bruce. Fans of Keeping Up With The Kardashians will recall that this past season actually spent some time on the fact that the couple was having problems. Now whether they were real problems or made for TV problems who knows but need less to say the duo made up on screen. Fast forward a few months later and the rumor mill is a buzz that the momager and the olympian are headed for divorce court. In the article that the tabloid is running claims that Bruce is secretly meeting with lawyers and is sick of the TV show, Kris flirting with younger guys, her obessession with everything Kardashian and last that she treats him like a doormat. I watch the show and I live the Kardashiians but I have to say Kris totally [...]

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