Saturday, March 31, 2012

Lindsay Lohan?s Probabtion Is Over!

It is official Lindsay Lohan is done with probation after five years of legal woes. Yep the day has come and she is officially free but will her freedom last? Judge Stephanie Sautner signed off on Lilo?s probation but that doesn?t mean that things are all roses for the actress. Although her formal probation for her 2007 DUI is dunzo, her jewelry theft case probation has gone from formal to informal. Basically what that means is she will no longer have to check in with a probation officer nor will her every move have to be monitored with a tracking device and no more court progress hearings. All she simply has to do is obey the laws until 2014 and then the jewelry case will be a thing of her past. Before letting Lohan go Judge Saunter did give her not a lecture but more like some advice ?Live your life in a more mature way, stop the nightclubbing and focus on your work, OK?”. Doesn?t sound like too bad of advice to me and for her part the Hollywood starlet ?”I just want to say thank you, Your Honor, for being fair, and it’s really opened a lot of [...]

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