Saturday, July 13, 2013

Chris Brown Hit And Run Could Lead To Prison

Chris Brown has officially been charged in an alleged hit and run where rumor has it that he refused to turn over his personal information, then left the scene. Usually a story like this is not that big of a deal, and even gets laughed off by other celebs. But when you are a convicted woman beater, you have to play your cards right. In this case it looks like Chris Brown might actually face some serious consequences for his actions — although I have my doubts. It all started when he got into a minor accident with another driver. TMZ claims that he refused to give up his license number, and even gave “bogus” insurance information to the woman before leaving. That is the point at which everyone’s story goes haywire. Via Twitter, Chris Brown addressed the issue, saying “It’s not a hit and run if u get out the car, exchange information (who has NO DAMAGE to either cars). This is really ridiculous.” He then spewed a few more Tweets about the issue, here they are (graphic via TMZ): The actual charges that he will face include: “hit and run” and “driving without a valid license.” But the [...]

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