Thursday, May 5, 2011

Glee Recap: ?Rumours?

In tonight’s episode the kids pay homage to Fleetwood Mac, by singing songs from their album Rumours. The ep also marked the return of April Rhodes (Kristin Chenoweth). As they say, here’s what you missed on….Glee! Okay, all I gotta say is they need to incorporate Brittany’s internet show, ‘Fondue For Two’, in every single episode. Heather Morris’ comedic timing is amazeballs as usual. Brittany’s guests were Mercedes and Tina, two of McKinley’s biggest gossipers. Brittany started off the gossip fest by saying that she heard that Santana plays for the other team, much to Mercedes’ and Tina’s shock. Sue has decided to resurrect the school newspaper, which has been dormant for a few years, and she uses ‘The Muckracker’ to her advantage. It’s her way of causing friction between the Glee Club and ultimately wanting Will out of McKinley all together (hence April’s return). Sue tells her staff (which include Brittany and Josh) to go with the motto, ‘If we heard it, it’s probably true, or something.’ Before you know it, hot off the presses and thanks to some blind items, Santana is outed and Quinn is supposedly cheating on Finn with Sam at a hotel. April shows up [...]

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