Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sarah Palin's New Reality TV Show

For months now,we've been hearing about Sarah Palin's upcoming foray into reality TV. At first, this didn't sound like a great idea. Let's be honest: The words "reality TV" can conjure an image of immature loudmouths making bad decisions (like, say, hooking up in hot tubs). And even a tame one, like TLC's Jon & Kate Plus 8, ultimately led its stars down a path of marital destruction. Why would this former governor and vice presidential candidate want cameras following her family and friends around?

The answer is that Sarah Palin's Alaska (TLC, Sunday, Nov.14, 9 p.m. ET) turns out to be more of a travelogue than a laundry-airing vanity project. Palin and various family members embark on legitimate adventures amidst captivating scenery and fascinating wildlife. Alaska itself is so magnificent, and the filming is so well done, that even Palin haters will feel a sense of awe. Many find her annoying when she brags about her state, but no one can dispute that her state is, indeed, breathtakingly beautiful, even magnanimous.
In this eight-week series (watch a preview below), Palin and various family members go fishing alongside Grizzly bears. They trek across frozen tundra, scale mountains and ride in dog sleds. No one, not even Palin, is inclined to spout political views while hanging off the side of a cliff. And she's much more likable when she's simply taking in the natural majesty around her.

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Depending on your view of Palin and her very… shall we say, dynamic… personality, the scenes at home with family might grate. It's hard not to wonder whether her downtime with the kids is being staged just a little for the cameras. In these scenes, you begin to wonder why she hasn't limited the show to just the outdoor adventures. But that could be because the show's producer, Mark Burnett, believes that viewers like to see the personal side of reality stars.
The show is about Palin, not Alaska. But at times the state does upstage its former governor. And to her credit, Palin obviously doesn't mind!

Will you watch Sarah Palin's Alaska? Chime in below!

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