Monday, September 13, 2010

Michelle Williams And Ryan Gosling For W Magazine

In the October issue of W magazine Michelle Williams and Ryan Gosling open up about messy sex, bad body art, and the long road to their new film, Blue Valentine:
Michelle Williams:
On being naked on camera: ?I have the usual self-loathing and body issues, and yet I seem to be naked in a lot of movies. It would be really nice if the pictures did not get posted online. But then maybe that?s a reason to do it: Just get naked, and who cares if it ends up on the Internet.?
On the raw sex scene with Ryan [Gosling] in Blue Valentine: ?We did the sex scenes and it was?toxic. Ryan and I stopped relating to each other as Ryan and Michelle. Those scenes took forever.?

On landing Dawson?s Creek: ?I was so lucky to get Dawson?s. I was auditioning for pilots twice a day. You get used to the rhythm of rejection. But auditioning for pilots taught me to change my clothes really fast. To this day I can get in and out of my bra and panties faster than anyone.?
Ryan Gosling:
On his Canadian accent: ?As a kid I decided that a Canadian accent doesn?t sound tough. I thought guys should sound like Marlon Brando. So now I have a phony accent that I can?t shake, so it?s not phony anymore. I?m going for the Madonna thing, the Lady Gaga thing?a phony accent that becomes your trademark.?
On his interesting tattoos: ?I like when they look bad, but no one will do bad tattoos. So I did one myself. That?s why it?s bad.?
On the raw sex scene with Michelle [Williams] in Blue Valentine: ?In real life sex is messy, and we wanted to get under that wonderful messiness.?
Are you looking forward to watching 'Blue Valentine'?

celebrity gossip Celebrity lady gaga MTV holly wood

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